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Fujian Red (Fujian Hong)

$23.00 - $66.00
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Approx. no. serves:
11 per 80g Eco-Refill/Caddy; 35 per 250g Pack
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福建红茶 (Fujian Hong)


Mingzhu Tea Gardens, Wuyishan, Fujian, China      

This is the Chinese domestic grade of “Lapsang Souchong” - none of that smoky rubbish made for the export market. Instead, a proper zhengshan xiaozhong offers inviting notes of vanilla, malt and butterscotch. Additionally, this is a limited edition late crop, when supply depletes, only the heavens can tell whether similar conditions will be replicated to create the same offering again. It has been a highly regarded season, the tea has a notably sweeter and more refined finish than many of its predecessors.

Dry leaves: dark, medium length, wirey
Taste: notes of vanilla, butterscotch and malt
Process: fully oxidised


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1tbs/7g 90



0:15 x1
0:10 x2


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